As part of being a UKESF Scholar, I took part in several outreach activities during 2017-2018 to promote electronics to primary school children in the local community.

2017 Southampton Science and Engineering Festival

In March 2017 I volunteered in the Southampton Science and Engineering Festival (SOTSEF), the university’s premier public outreach event that attracted around 7,000 visitors. I manned the electronic construction stand which involved introducing electronics to young children, teaching them about circuits and soldering, and assisting them in soldering various PCB toys such as wire buzz kits and electronic xylophones. With many of the children it was their first time creating circuits and using soldering irons, and around 120 children took part.


Robogals Workshop

In March 2018 I was invited to be a guest speaker at a workshop ran by the Southampton branch of Robogals, a student run organisation that aims to inspire and empower young women to consider studying engineering and related fields.

"You really inspired the children and helped us to encourage more young children to follow a career in technology and electronics."
Zoë Gathercole
Southampton Robogals Schools Manager

The workshop brought 30 Year 6 aged primary school children to the department for a variety of activities relating to robotics and engineering. My guest talk was about computing, electronics and robotics, with a focus on how the skills that are learnt at school are applied in the real world of science and engineering.